The Field from which Form Arises chapbook


The Field From Which Form Arises, Simpatico Poets Press, 2009, New Orleans, with collage by Wayne Atherton

Danny Kerwick is the editor of Simpatico Poets Press. Kerwick has lived in New Orleans for more than twenty years. He is identified with that town and has published titles that include : The Orchestra has left the Building, Behind Lies the Sugar, and You Stand Alongside Desire.  When Paul Pines is in New Orleans he and Danny usually make it to the Maple Leaf Bar for the weekly reading.  Kerwick read with Pines at the Swift Hibernian Lounge in NYC on April 9, 2015, for the launch of Pines' Message From The Memoirist.


About the Artist

Wayne Atherton is senior editor of The Cafe Review, Maine’s oldest literary and art journal since 1989.  For many years he has been building a rather large body of mixed media collage and is currently setting about to expand the exposure of his work to include gallery exhibition, art magazine profiles, and online journals. He has an ongoing exhibit of 18 collage which may be viewed at:, archived issue no. 15.