“Set in New York’s Lower East Side in the 1970’s, when it was fast becoming the heart of the cultural underground, jazz club owner Pablo Waitz, takes us on a journey in search of his partner’s killer. If “The Tin Angel” offers a murder to be solved, a world of crime to be explored, it also offers a search for other truths. For both in murder and in life, Pablo discovers that the past can be as dangerous as the present. The drug/jazz world of New York’s East Village has seldom been rendered more honestly or graphically than in this fine first mystery.”
L'Ange Du Jazz, by Paul Pines, translated by Paul Couturiau, Editions du Rocher, France, 1985, 1998. For more on the French edition see L' Ange Du Jazz, De Paul Pines at TSF Jazz.
De Sit Art Mag, Nat Hentoff:
Dans la même veine rocambolesque, citons La Neige était Noire de Malcolm Braly, L’Ange du Jazz de Paul Pines et Le Diable et son Jazz du critique Nat Hentoff.
Toujours le jazz, plus tard, dans ces histoires que racontent des auteurs qui n’hésitent pas comme Marc Villard à considérer le polar comme «un rythme ternaire avec une écriture fluide qui coule à la west coast » ou Yves Buin développant les aventures de son héros, Sandeman, avec un raffinement mélodique de la phrase et un tempo d’enfer dans l’improvisation narrative (Kapitza 1999 et Borggi, 2000).
Der Blechengel, by Paul Pines, translated by Jurgen Behrens, Ullstein Krimi, Germany, 1983
Von Die Buch Suche: Paul Pines, ehemaliger Inhaber eines Jazz- und Folk-Pubs in New York, schrieb *den* Szene-Krimi des East-Village. Kokain, Musik, Ausgeflippte und Gangster gehen eine unheilige Allianz in diesem Roman ein, der auch das Sittenbild einer Subkultur istZustand: angelesen, geringe Lesepuren am Rücken Buch riecht möglicherweise nach ZTgarettennrauch (b), Taschenbuch.
To purchase please go to Amazon. For the French edition please go to and for the German edition, Go here for The Tin Angel Opera. For more on Paul and jazz go here.
“This swift tale of murder and revenge rattled along stylishly and fulfills all our expectations for high-grade suspense.”
“It’s hard to combine warmth and toughness, but Pines..succeeds.”
“Superb... enough terror, suspense, and low-life atmosphere to keep the most jaded hard-boiled enthusiast happy.”
“Set in New York’s Lower East Side in the 1970’s, when it was fast becoming the heart of the cultural underground, jazz club owner Pablo Waitz, takes us on a journey in search of his partner’s killer. If “The Tin Angel” offers a murder to be solved, a world of crime to be explored, it also offers a search for other truths. For both in murder and in life, Pablo discovers that the past can be as dangerous as the present.The drug/jazz world of New York’s East Village has seldom been rendered more honestly or graphically than in this fine first mystery.”
“I haven’t read a grittier mystery in years, or - I suspect - a truer one.”
Jamie James in the American Book Review, Volume 7, Number 3 March/April 1985